Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Something New Is Coming

BUS_WAIT is on hold for a hot minute while I work on something entirely different. After this moves forward I promise you. I promise you! BUS_WAIT will resume. More details are inbound, but until then enjoy this teaser...

And this...

I've been very hard at work, and I already have the scripts written for 3 episodes. Production is well on the way for all three of them, and I have cool ideas lined up for a great many more.

The first episode is going to be about Snake Rattle N Roll. A game made by Rare that I played a ton of growing up, but isn't very well known compared to much larger titles from the same developer.

What do you think? Look forward to the launch of my YouTube channel very soon!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Keep It Simple, Stupid.

Today's blog post is about the rule of kiss. For those who don't know this rule, Keep It Simple, Stupid.

I've recently been caught up trying to put together environment assets for BUS_WAIT that would rock the socks off of people. But rather than worrying about the individual pieces I should spend more time worrying about the Gestalt (the whole) of the project.

For example: I've spent a long time recently worrying about power lines in the dungeon.

What color should they be? Do I want bunches hanging from the wall? What does the hook look like that holds these power lines up? I sketched pages of doodles for these power lines. I asked friends color theory questions about how best to incorporate the power lines into the scene. I was letting this problem bring the entire project to a halt!

Who gives a fuck?

Keep it simple: no one cares about the power lines except me. They are background information that helps to build the structure of the rest of the scene. Rather than worrying about this small and insignificant part of the dungeon: I should spend more time building out and populating all of the rooms with the myriad of more important assets that actually have significant storytelling and game play importance.

Later, I can go back and improve the assets I've already made to inform a more cohesive whole. But this all needs to happen later.

Keep it simple, stupid. Worry more about the big picture, and less about the details. This may seem obvious, but it's a very helpful reminder for me.

As for the game...

More info soon. I promise.

Here's a Sonic doodle for your troubles: