Sunday, November 21, 2010

Finished: For Now Anyway...

This is my latest painting in Photoshop. It's somewhere between Ashley Wood's style and my own. The composition in entirely my own. Thanks to Brandt and Rachel for the helpful input during the creation process.
I think I may throw another hour at it later when I have the time. There was some great feedback I received during critique.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Two Longer Drawings

Usually, when I draw, I just attack the page and make many unnecessary marks and few corrections. This time, I made two drawings and spent at least 3 hours on both. I was trying to be more strategic with my mark making and really take my time.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Ashley Wood Test Painting Complete

Sorry, I thought that I had uploaded this already. Ultimately: this test painting was only about 2 hours of work.
I think I got lucky though, because I am working on another piece with much less success. The struggle to create art continues...