- Adventure Game (ON HOLD)
- Besotted
- Secret Game About Parties
- Secret Music Video Animation something something...
- Game About A Running Man
This guy.
I want to take a moment to talk about all of these projects that I'm working on, and then perhaps a little action plan moving forward.
1. Adventure Game (ON HOLD)
Something has gone wrong in the world, and magic which was once contained in the spaces between space is threatening to brake in to our dimension. It must be contained before it is too late.
Here's a game that I wanted to make for a great many years. I originally wanted to start working on it right out of the gate without any previous experience. After a few months I decided that it would be better if I made a few other, smaller games before biting down into such a huge project. This one is still on hold.
The greatest arm wrestlers from all over have gathered to fight in the arena for their chance to win the grand prize and tell the world that they are The FIST CHAMPION.
Here's the big project. My first ever fully finished game. I took a hiatus while I was working on Besotted, and that break turned into twice as long as I meant it to be. That time however has given me some much needed perspective on the project and I am restructuring the whole game to slim down the end product. This smaller version I am calling "FIST CHAMP: Disentanglement." Character and level select are being stripped out for this version. More time is going to be spent on the mechanics and aesthetics of the game. I believe this is all good stuff. I look forward to showing more of what I mean in the near future.
3. Besotted
You are an insane person who sees demons coming to get you, and you also have a public access show. Dance the demons away as long as you can!
This is a game that I wanted to make as a team in a span of a month. That month was a little while ago now, and we finished most of the game. I've recently re-opened the project file and will finish and release the game shortly.
These are all projects that you currently know about if you've been following my blog. The next three are still in earlier stages, but are really tempting to work on.
4. Secret Game About Parties
This game is actually the project that made me step back and realize I had too many active projects. I am not really ready to talk about this game in depth, but suffice it to say that it is being called "Wallflower," it is in the style of an NES game, and it has a focus on stealth gameplay.
5. Secret Music Video Animation Something Something...
This is nothing. Nothing is happening here. Something about Arcade Games and Seattle Based Sea Monsters. It's not ready yet. Get off my lawn.
6. Game About A Running Man
The newest of fun projects. Also can't really talk about it other than the idea is pretty silly and crude. It's either going to make you laugh or... or not laugh. Since there are other people involved in this one: I definitely can't talk about it yet.
You can see that I accidentally filled up my plate with far too many main entrées. Planning will save this, though. Good planning.
Broad strokes are as follows...
First: Finish Besotted. It's almost done.
Second: The three projects I cant talk about are going to be continued with for the time being in the background.
Third: After Besotted is finished... FIST CHAMP is next.
See You Soon.