How's the game looking? I am so glad you asked. You can check it out right here! CLICK ME FOR SUPER SECRETS!!
This build is not too much different from the last one with a few exceptions:
- More visual flair in place to enhance the feeling of the game
- Opening Cards Sequence
- Scanlines
- Character model in place and animating an idle.
What exists already but isn't in this build? My, aren't you inquisitive!
- Sam has a more sophisticated move script that rotates the character in the direction it moves (Quaternions and some other such hoodoo).
- There are working enemy spawners
- There is music written by Tyler Woods
- There are enemy sprites
- There are environment models
So if we have all of this stuff... Why isn't it already in the build?
Simply put: Working with a team in Unity is a new experience for me, and it just wasn't something I was thinking about. The next build (Ver. 1.0 probably) is going to be quite an experience, I assure you.
At this point I want to talk about a revelation I had the other day when I made this build. I had wanted this game to be both eerily macabre and at the same time humorously ridiculous. As of this build: I feel like I have creepy down pretty well, but not as much of the humor to balance it out. In response to this: the demons took an unexpected turn... I made them cute. these are they:
I kept them very simple and iconic. They have a very basic coloring scheme that draws attention to the corresponding button press that is required to defeat them. I am hoping that this will provide enough of a counter-balance to keep the game more fun than unnerving. We shall see!